3 Ways to Maintain Your Dental Bridge

Dental bridges are made to last for a long time. Some bridges can last for as long as 15 years if they’re properly maintained. Your dentist in Indianapolis, IN can provide a lot of information about maintaining your dental bridge.

You may be relieved to find out that much of the maintenance that your dental requires is similar to the maintenance that you’re already doing to take care of your teeth. Below, we’ve listed three ways to maintain your dental bridge.

1. Brush Your Dental Bridge and Floss

Your dental bridge can be cleaned with toothpaste, just like your natural teeth. There are many types of toothpaste available for sale in pharmacies. Avoid abrasive toothpaste. Abrasive toothpaste can scratch your bridge, which may lead to staining over time.

Toothpaste products that promise to whiten teeth are abrasive. You can check toothpaste abrasiveness by looking at the RDA (relative dentin abrasion) value, which should be on the side of the packaging. Look for an RDA of 69 or below.

Floss your teeth as well. Ask your dentist to show you how to floss around your bridge. Clean underneath your bridge with a floss threader or interproximal brush.

2. See Your Dentist Regularly

See your dentist every six months. If you don’t do this already, start when your bridge is installed. Seeing the dentist every six months will help your dentist catch problems before they become serious.

3. Avoid Chewing Non-Food Items

Avoid chewing on ice, pen caps, and other things that are not food. Do you have more questions about how you can maintain your dental bridge in Indianapolis, IN? Call the dentist at Indiana Emergency Dental.

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