Bridging the Gap To Your Perfect Smile

Having a gap in your tooth shouldn’t be ignored, especially if it is causing pain or discomfort to the surrounding teeth, gums, and tissue. Multiple teeth missing can affect your ability to chew properly and speak and may also diminish the confidence that you should have in yourself to live your day-to-day life.

The experienced team at Indiana Emergency Dental of Indianapolis, IN, is proud to serve the local community with quality dental care services, including well-made bridges, to help bridge the gap to your perfect smile.

What are Dental Bridges?

Exactly how they may sound, a dental bridge “bridges” the gaps in your teeth together to give them strong support. It consists of artificial teeth, called pontics, anchored to healthy teeth on either side of the gap. These may be anchored with a number of materials, but it is most common to do so with a crown that supports the functionality of your natural smile.

Top Three Materials Dental Bridges Are Made Of:

Dental bridges can be crafted from various materials, each with its advantages. Here are the top three choices:

  1. Porcelain: A popular choice due to its natural-looking, translucent qualities that mimic the appearance of natural teeth. Porcelain bridges are strong and durable, making them suitable for most areas of the mouth.
  2. Zirconia: This material is known for its exceptional strength and resistance to chipping. It’s an excellent option for patients requiring long-lasting bridges, especially in areas that experience a lot of chewing pressure.
  3. Metal-fused-to-porcelain (PFM): A traditional and cost-effective option. PFM bridges offer a good balance of esthetics and strength, with a metal substructure for durability and a layer of porcelain for a natural look.

Your Local Quality Professional Dental Care Team

Dental bridges may be your option if you struggle to regain your complete health and perfect smile.

During your next appointment with the talented team at Indiana Emergency Dental of Indianapolis, IN, you can be sure you receive the proper care and attention needed.

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