Teeth Are Discolored After Braces Removal? We Can Help

For many people, braces are key to ensuring straight, properly aligned teeth. Unfortunately, braces can have other impacts on tooth enamel as well. Discolorations are common following the removal of braces.

This can be disappointing for someone who has waited a long time to see their teeth braces-free. As yourdentist in Indianapolis, IN, the professionals at Indiana Emergency Dental are here to help. We offer treatment plans for patients experiencing tooth discoloration after braces removal.

What Causes Tooth Discoloration Following Braces Removal?

Braces can lead to uneven plaque development on tooth enamel, as well as uneven exposure to staining foods and drinks. This is unnoticeable when the braces are on the teeth, but becomes clear when the braces are removed.

Can Your Teeth Be Whitened Again?

Your teeth don’t have to stay unevenly colored after your braces are taken off, but it’s important for you to work with a dentist who can help. At Indiana Emergency Dental, we’ll determine the cause of your tooth discoloration and develop a treatment plan that’s unique to your situation.

This will allow us to restore your teeth to the beautiful white state they were in before braces were installed. Your treatment plan may involve a combination of tooth cleaning, whitening and other cosmetic dentistry procedures.

Concerned About Tooth Discoloration? We Can Help

You don’t have to live with toothdiscoloration in Indianapolis, IN. The professionals at Indiana Emergency Dental is here to help. To learn more about our tooth whitening services and our other cosmetic dentistry procedures, or to make an appointment to resolve your tooth discoloration, call us to make an appointment.