Entries by Indiana Emergency Dental

What’s Nitrous Oxide? Do I Need It During My Dental Appointment?

If you have dental anxiety, your dentist may offer to provide sedation during your dental visit. Most dentists start by offering nitrous oxide, the mildest form of sedation. Nitrous oxide can be an important tool for dentists to help their patients stay comfortable during dental procedures. As your dentist in Indianapolis, IN, we’re happy to provide […]

What Are Horizontal Impactions?

There are many reasons why a tooth may need to be extracted. Although the primary goal of your Indianapolis, IN dentist is to preserve all of your natural teeth, sometimes conditions arise, such as a horizontal impaction, where tooth extraction becomes the only solution. If you have been advised that you have a horizontal impaction, you will […]

Unlocking the Mystery Behind 3D Panoramic X-rays for Wisdom Teeth

Are you looking for adentist in Indianapolis, IN, who can assist you with your wisdom teeth? If so, you might be interested in learning more about 3-D panoramic X-rays. These advanced imaging techniques offer your dentist a more thorough perspective of your teeth and jaws, enabling them to diagnose and treat issues effectively. What Are […]

The Impacted Truth: Dealing with Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Through the use of3D panoramic X-rays in Indianapolis, IN, dentists can see when a wisdom tooth is impacted. This is an important step if you suspect your wisdom teeth do not have room to grow and need to be extracted. However, many patients have questions about why wisdom teeth become impacted and what can happen […]