3 Things to Know About Root Canals Before You Get One

A root canal is a dental procedure that dentists use to remove infection from the delicate pulp inside an affected tooth. If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal, it’s important to get one immediately.

Getting a dental procedure can be stressful if you don’t know what to expect. The more you know about how root canals work and why you need to get one, the better. Yourdentist in Indianapolis, IN, can answer your questions. Here’s what to know about root canals.

1. Root Canals Are An Emergency Procedure

A root canal is an emergency dental procedure. An infected tooth can be a big problem, and it is unlikely to get better.

A root canal can prevent the infection from spreading to your jaw and other body parts. In other words, don’t put it off if your dentist tells you you need a root canal. It’s important for you to get the root canal right away.

2. Root Canals Alleviate Discomfort

Many people think that root canals are painful, but your dentist will numb the area during the procedure so you won’t feel any pain while the root canal is happening. In fact, you may be in a lot of pain before the root canal takes place, and getting the procedure will help with that.

3. Your Root Canal Saves the Tooth

If you don’t get a root canal when you need one, you may lose your permanent tooth. A root canal is a procedure that is intended to save the tooth.

When the procedure is over, your dentist will have cleaned out all the bacteria inside the tooth, filled it in with sealant, and placed a crown over it to protect it.

Do you need aroot canal in Indianapolis, IN? Call Indiana Emergency Dental today.

Dispelling BIG Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Have you been told you need a root canal in Indianapolis, IN? While hearing the dentist say that a root canal is necessary to save a tooth can come as a little frightening to some, root canals are both highly effective and often not as major as the patient expects. Also, several myths mislead patients when it comes to root canals. Take a look at a few of the biggest myths and the actual truths every patient in need of a root canal should know.

Myth: Root canals are one of the most painful dental procedures.

Root canals are no more painful than a standard dental filling. The dentist uses all available measures to ensure you do not feel discomfort during the procedure. Some patients have mild sensitivity or soreness after the procedure, but nothing should induce unmanageable pain.

Myth: Root canals make you more prone to oral infections.

By contrast, getting a root canal can lower your risk of experiencing a dental infection. Leaving an ailing tooth untreated can lead to further deterioration of the tooth and the risk of harbored bacteria leading to a major infection.

Myth: Root canals don’t last long enough to be a worthy investment.

When done by a skilled, experienced dentist, root canals have the potential to last for a decade or even longer, especially when further restorative measures like a crown are also taken. Therefore, root canal treatment is a worthy investment in your smile for the long term.

Discuss Root Canal Treatment Concerns with a Skilled Indianapolis Dentist

If you have concerns about an impending root canal procedure, be sure to discuss your concerns with anIndianapolis dentist at length. Reach out to the team at Indiana Emergency Dental to schedule an appointment.

Why Are Root Canals Done?

When your dentist in Indianapolis, IN, tells you that you need a root canal, you may wonder how it came to this. A root canal is a serious dental procedure, but it’s also one that can help to save your tooth. While the news isn’t great, you should be thankful that your dentist was able to find the problem and has a way to treat it.

What is a Root Canal?

During a root canal, the infected pulp and nerve in the affected tooth’s root canal is removed. From there, the root canal is cleaned and shaped so that it can receive the replacement dental filling. The final step of a root canal is the placement of a crown atop the tooth. This helps to protect the tooth so it can be saved and have its function restored.

Why Are Root Canals Done?

Root canals may be necessary when a bacterial infection has migrated from the surface of a tooth and found its way into the root canal of the tooth. This infection will cause pain and inflammation. But the worst part is that it could lead to the loss of your permanent tooth unless a root canal is performed.

Are Root Canals Painful?

During a root canal, the area will be numbed, and a local anesthetic will be applied so you don’t feel any pain. You may feel a sensation of work being done, but it won’t be painful. However, some patients feel more comfortable with some sedation. If you feel you need this, tell your dentist at the time of your visit. At home, you may feel like you need to take a mild painkiller as the local anesthesia wears off. Your dentist will give you a set of full instructions as to how to treat any lingering discomfort.

Root canals sound bad, but in reality, they relieve pain, restore your tooth’s function, and help save your adult tooth. For help with root canals in Indianapolis, IN, contact us to book an appointment.

What Can I Expect During a Root Canal Retreatment?

A root canal retreatment can undoubtedly be one of the most frustrating procedures a person needs to go through. After having already gone through the original root canal, few would want to have it redone. However, it’s important to get the canal retreated if you can avoid losing the tooth. We’ll look at what you can expect during root canal retreatment and how you can care for yourself afterward.

What Happens During Root Canal Retreatment?

The root canal retreatment in Indianapolis, IN is very similar to the original root canal. The first step is to anesthetize the area and isolate the affected tooth with a rubber dam. If you have a crown (which you likely do have), the crown will be removed and the filling materials will be taken out. From there, small instruments will be used to clean and reshape the canal. In some cases, the dentist may need to break up the retreatment into two appointments, applying packing material before the final step can be completed.

Root Canal Retreatment in Indianapolis, IN

The amount of pain you’ll feel after a root canal retreatment will depend on the reason that you needed the root canal retreatment in the first place. In the case of an infection, you ay experience more pain than expected. The rule of thumb is that it should be getting gradually better as opposed to worse. In most cases, you’ll only feel discomfort after the first days before you can get back to eating and chewing regularly on that side. The chances of success during a root canal retreatment will vary for every patient, but it’s typically at least 75%. If you’re looking for a specialty endodontist in Indianapolis, IN to complete this treatment, Indiana Emergency Dental can help.