What Is a 3D Panoramic in Dentistry?
X-rays help dentists see beyond the standard teeth stains and receding gum lines. However, as technology advances, the types of images have changed over time. If you’re curious about how 3D panoramic images work in the dental world, we’ll look at what you should know and how it might affect your treatment plan.
What Are 3D X-rays?
3D X-rays show a more detailed picture of your teeth, adding more dimension to the jaw, teeth, and gums. With this extra insight, dentists have a better chance of catching problems before they have a chance to progress. So, if you have a damaged nerve or blood vessel, a dentist in Indianapolis is more likely to catch it if they have the help of the right pictures.
How Are 3D X-rays Used?
A dentist might implement 3D X-rays for any number of reasons, though they tend to be used before the dentist makes bigger decisions about your wisdom teeth. The dentist can see the positioning and spacing of your teeth, such as how they’re impacted or whether there’s abnormal bone growth, so they can come up with the best (and safest) approach. While you might not always see the differences between traditional X-Rays and 3D X-Rays, there’s a reason why dentists feel more confident in their treatment plans when they have all the information they need at their fingertips.
3D X-rays in Indianapolis, IN
If you’re looking for 3D X-rays in Indianapolis, IN, especially if you have an impacted wisdom tooth, talk to the team at Indiana Emergency Dental to learn more about our technology and what we do for patients. Whether you’re facing a dental emergency or just need a regular dental exam, we’re here to give you the best care.