What You Need to Know about All-on-4 Dental Implants

Are you thinking about getting dental implants in Indianapolis, IN? Then you probably want to know your options…right? Have you ever heard of all-on-4 dental implants? They are an affordable alternative. Here is what you need to know about them.

All-on-4 Dental Implants Explained

All-on-4 dental implants are an affordable alternative to a whole month of implants. This option is excellent for people missing all or most of their teeth. A dentist in Indianapolis, IN, can perform the implant procedure.

All-on-4 implants are stronger and more stable than traditional dentures. They differ from a full mouth of implants because only four implants are used versus one for each tooth.

How Many Teeth Do You Get with All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Typically, a single arch consisting of 14 teeth is used. However, only four dental implants are needed to hold that arch in place. Thus, the name all-on-4s.

Do All-on-4 Dental Implants Last Forever?

No, all-on-4 dental implants don’t last forever. They typically last between 15-20 years. But that’s just for the artificial teeth portion of the implant. The titanium post/screw part of the implant that is placed into your jawbone will usually last forever.

Can You Eat Normally with All-on-4 Dental Implants?

Yes, there are no diet restrictions with all-on-4 dental implants. You can eat normally. However, right after your dental implant procedure, you must wait about three to six months before you can eat certain foods. Your dentist will make recommendations based on your progress.

Do All-on-4 Dental Implants Feel Like Your Natural Teeth?

Yes, dental implants look and feel like your natural teeth!

Looking for an Exceptional Dentist in Indianapolis, IN?

If you are interested in getting all-on-4s, you are going to need a dentist. Please Contact Indiana Emergency Dental today to schedule a dental implant consultation. We’d love to show you how affordable implants can be!

Alternatives for When Dental Implants Are Not an Option

Were you disappointed when your dentist in Indianapolis, IN, told you that you were not a good candidate for dental implants? Don’t worry! There are dental implant alternatives available—in fact, several of them. Here are some options to consider if dental implants are not an option for you.

Alternatives for When Dental Implants Are Not an Option

Consider some of these options if you are not a good candidate for dental implants in Indianapolis, IN.

Bone Augmentation

This method is used when you don’t have enough bone to support a dental implant. Your dentist will use bone additives to restore your jawbone (if possible).

Ridge Expansion

This method is used if your jaw is too narrow to support a dental implant. Your dentist will graft material along the top of your jawbone to widen it.

Sinus Lift

This procedure is used if the bone below your sinuses has deteriorated due to you having missing upper back teeth. Your dentist will add bone just below your sinuses.

Immediate Load Dental Implants

This procedure is used if you have enough bone to support an implant but need to place a temporary tooth. The purpose of this is to allow the placement of a temporary tooth on the same day as your implant placement.

Mini Dental Implants

This procedure is used if you have a narrow jawbone. Your dentist will insert tiny, extremely narrow implants into your jawbone. This option is mainly used to stabilize a lower denture. You might consider this a better option than settling for traditional dentures.

Do You Need a Dentist in Indianapolis, IN?

Don’t stress it if you’re not a good candidate for dental implants! You have options! Please Contact Indiana Emergency Dental today. We are a full-service dental team that does more than just treat emergencies. We are also experts in dental implant alternatives. Let us help you get your smile back.

3 Things to Know About Root Canals Before You Get One

A root canal is a dental procedure that dentists use to remove infection from the delicate pulp inside an affected tooth. If your dentist has told you that you need a root canal, it’s important to get one immediately.

Getting a dental procedure can be stressful if you don’t know what to expect. The more you know about how root canals work and why you need to get one, the better. Yourdentist in Indianapolis, IN, can answer your questions. Here’s what to know about root canals.

1. Root Canals Are An Emergency Procedure

A root canal is an emergency dental procedure. An infected tooth can be a big problem, and it is unlikely to get better.

A root canal can prevent the infection from spreading to your jaw and other body parts. In other words, don’t put it off if your dentist tells you you need a root canal. It’s important for you to get the root canal right away.

2. Root Canals Alleviate Discomfort

Many people think that root canals are painful, but your dentist will numb the area during the procedure so you won’t feel any pain while the root canal is happening. In fact, you may be in a lot of pain before the root canal takes place, and getting the procedure will help with that.

3. Your Root Canal Saves the Tooth

If you don’t get a root canal when you need one, you may lose your permanent tooth. A root canal is a procedure that is intended to save the tooth.

When the procedure is over, your dentist will have cleaned out all the bacteria inside the tooth, filled it in with sealant, and placed a crown over it to protect it.

Do you need aroot canal in Indianapolis, IN? Call Indiana Emergency Dental today.

Unlocking the Mystery Behind 3D Panoramic X-rays for Wisdom Teeth

Are you looking for adentist in Indianapolis, IN, who can assist you with your wisdom teeth? If so, you might be interested in learning more about 3-D panoramic X-rays. These advanced imaging techniques offer your dentist a more thorough perspective of your teeth and jaws, enabling them to diagnose and treat issues effectively.

What Are 3-D Panoramic X-Rays Used for When It Comes to Wisdom Teeth?

The 3-D panoramic X-rays that dentists in Indianapolis, IN, utilize use a specialized machine that captures detailed images of your entire mouth, including your teeth and jaws. Unlike X-rays that only provide a two-dimensional view of your teeth, 3-D panoramic X-rays offer a three-dimensional view of your entire mouth. This enables dentists to observe your teeth and jaws from all angles, making identifying any issues easier.

What Information Does a 3-D Tooth X-Ray Reveal?

A 3-D tooth X-ray can provide dentists with information regarding your teeth and jaws. For instance, it can uncover the position of your wisdom teeth and determine whether they are impacted or not. Additionally, it can indicate the location of any cavities or other dental problems that may be present.

Are Panoramic X-Rays Necessary for Wisdom Tooth Removal?

Dentists often rely on X-rays to determine ifwisdom teeth extraction in Indianapolis, IN, is necessary. If your wisdom teeth are impacted or growing at an angle, they can cause issues like pain, infection, and damage to neighboring teeth. By using an X-ray, your dentist can decide on the best approach for removing your wisdom teeth.

What Is the Difference Between a Panoramic Scan and a Cone Beam Scan?

While both types of scans capture 3-D images of your teeth and jaws, they differ. Panoramic scans employ an X-ray beam to capture images of your mouth, whereas cone beam scans use a cone-shaped beam to obtain more detailed images of specific areas. Dentists typically utilize cone beam scans for dental procedures such as implant placement.

Searching for a Dentist in Indianapolis, IN?

If you’re in need of a dentist in Indianapolis who can assist you with your wisdom teeth concerns, we encourage you to reach out toIndiana Emergency Dental today. You don’t want to put off getting treatment when it comes to wisdom teeth. And we offer emergency dental treatment, too!

What’s the Best Type of Dentistry Sedation?

Sedation has been used in dentistry for more than a century. Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, has been a popular way to help people relax during some of the more extreme dental procedures. Today, thanks to advancements in medication, there’s a whole branch ofsedation dentistry in Indianapolis, IN. 

If you’re wondering which one is the best, it comes down to what you’re looking for out of the experience. We’ll look at what’s available and how you can make a better decision.

The Main Types of Sedation

Sedation can include any of the following methods:

  • Nitrous oxide: Still used today, nitrous oxide is mild and wears off fast. However, it may not work for people with extreme anxiety aboutdentists in Indianapolis, IN.
  • Oral sedation: Typically an anti-anxiety pill, oral sedation is good for patients who will be in the dentist’s chair for more than two hours. Oral sedation will take a while to wear off, so you may need a friend or family member to take you home.
  • IV: IV is the closest thing you can get to general anesthesia, making it good for those undergoing difficult procedures. The drawback is that IV sedation can have more side effects than the other options, though a reputable dental practice will be able to monitor the dosage, so there are fewer complications.

See a Sedation Dentist in Indianapolis, IN 

It’s not abnormal to be nervous about scheduling, going to, and sitting through an appointment. There are people who will avoid the dentist for even the most routine procedures. In this case, any kind of sedation is the right decision. If you want to learn more about how sedation dentistry can be the bridge you want, contact Indiana Emergency Dental today.

The Impacted Truth: Dealing with Impacted Wisdom Teeth

Through the use of3D panoramic X-rays in Indianapolis, IN, dentists can see when a wisdom tooth is impacted. This is an important step if you suspect your wisdom teeth do not have room to grow and need to be extracted. However, many patients have questions about why wisdom teeth become impacted and what can happen as a result of the problem. Take a look at a few important things to know about dealing with impacted wisdom teeth below.

Why Wisdom Teeth Can Cause Impaction

Wisdom teeth cause impaction because there is not enough space in the jawline for the teeth to grow upright or aligned. The teeth may be twisted, growing at an angle, or otherwise, which can put pressure on the surrounding teeth.

The Symptoms of Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Wisdom tooth impaction can have almost undetectable symptoms in the early stages. For example, an individual may have periodic jaw pain without a viable explanation. Or, an individual may have gum soreness or inflammation around the teeth surrounding the wisdom tooth. As the issue progresses, other symptoms can emerge, such as:

  • Toothaches without signs of decay
  • Headaches
  • Earaches
  • Consistent jaw pain

Potential Complications of Wisdom Tooth Impaction

Impacted wisdom teeth can be prone to decay, but they can also generate issues for the rest of the teeth. For example, if the wisdom tooth is allowed to grow in an awkward position, this can cause the rest of the teeth to crowd together, change the shape of the smile, and even heighten the risks of decay in the rest of the mouth.

Discuss Wisdom Teeth Issues with a Qualified Indianapolis Dentist 

While issues with wisdom teeth are easy to overlook for a while, impaction can become a serious threat to your overall oral health. Therefore, be sure to reach out to anIndianapolis dentist as soon as possible for advice. Contact the team at Indiana Emergency Dental to set up a consultation.

The Time-Saving Solution: Same-Day Crowns vs. Traditional Crowns

If you have a tooth that must be restored due to damage or decay,same-day crowns in Indianapolis, IN, are an excellent option. These crowns are made immediately in the office using advanced technology while you wait. Check out some of the perks of same-day crowns versus traditional dental crowns below.

Instant Transformation: The Unrivaled Advantages of Same-Day Crowns

Few things feel more futuristic than walking into the dentist’s office and walking out shortly after with your tooth treated and fully restored. You only have to wait around half an hour to eat or drink, but the new crown will be fully functional and finished when you leave.

Effortless Efficiency: Embracing Same-Day Crown Excellence

For many years, obtaining a crown has been a multiple-appointment process that can lack efficiency. Patients have to take time out of their lives to plan for multiple appointments, and the office has to make room in the scheduling for the added appointments to complete the process. With the capacity to create a crown in the office, the patient only has to plan one visit to the dentist.

Streamlined Smiles: Why Same-Day Crowns Take the Lead in Dental Innovation

Same-day crowns are one of the latest possibilities in mode

rn dental treatment. The innovative procedure relies on the use of technology, in-office three-dimensional scans and specialized equipment. Therefore, dentists who offer same-day crowns are often considered leaders in their respective fields and highly preferred by patients.

Discuss Same-Day Crowns with an Indianapolis Dentist 

When you work with the rightIndianapolis dentistfor your same-day crown, you will walk away from a single appointment with your tooth and smile restored. If you are interested in learning more about the process, contact the Indiana Emergency Dental team.

Dispelling BIG Myths About Root Canal Treatment

Have you been told you need a root canal in Indianapolis, IN? While hearing the dentist say that a root canal is necessary to save a tooth can come as a little frightening to some, root canals are both highly effective and often not as major as the patient expects. Also, several myths mislead patients when it comes to root canals. Take a look at a few of the biggest myths and the actual truths every patient in need of a root canal should know.

Myth: Root canals are one of the most painful dental procedures.

Root canals are no more painful than a standard dental filling. The dentist uses all available measures to ensure you do not feel discomfort during the procedure. Some patients have mild sensitivity or soreness after the procedure, but nothing should induce unmanageable pain.

Myth: Root canals make you more prone to oral infections.

By contrast, getting a root canal can lower your risk of experiencing a dental infection. Leaving an ailing tooth untreated can lead to further deterioration of the tooth and the risk of harbored bacteria leading to a major infection.

Myth: Root canals don’t last long enough to be a worthy investment.

When done by a skilled, experienced dentist, root canals have the potential to last for a decade or even longer, especially when further restorative measures like a crown are also taken. Therefore, root canal treatment is a worthy investment in your smile for the long term.

Discuss Root Canal Treatment Concerns with a Skilled Indianapolis Dentist

If you have concerns about an impending root canal procedure, be sure to discuss your concerns with anIndianapolis dentist at length. Reach out to the team at Indiana Emergency Dental to schedule an appointment.

Maintaining Your White Smile: Tips for Long-Term Results

Have you just had ateeth whitening appointment in Indianapolis, IN? You can make certain changes right now to maintain your results as long as possible. What can contribute to a consistently bright smile? Here are some practical tips on maintaining teeth whitening results over the long term.

Manage Oral Hygiene Practices

Maintaining a consistent oral hygiene routine is crucial for preserving your newly achieved pearly whites. Brush your teeth with fluoride-based toothpaste two times or more per day, and use a soft-bristled toothbrush to break up food particles that can cause stains. Likewise, be sure to floss daily to remove plaque in small crevices and prevent stains from settling between your teeth, as these stains can also affect the whiteness of your smile. Additionally, consider using a whitening toothpaste to help combat surface stains and enhance your overall oral care.

Adjust Dietary Habits

Certain foods and beverages can contribute to teeth staining, so being mindful of your dietary choices is essential for long-term whitening results. Limit your intake of deeply pigmented items like coffee, tea, red wine, and berries. If you do consume them, rinse your mouth with water afterward to minimize their impact. Incorporate crunchy fruits and vegetables into your diet, as their natural abrasiveness can help keep your teeth clean and bright.

Pay Attention to Lifestyle Choices

Lifestyle choices, such as smoking or even vaping, can significantly affect the longevity of your teeth-whitening results. Quitting smoking not only benefits your overall health but also prevents the accumulation of stains on your teeth. Additionally, be cautious with habits like chewing tobacco or drinking dark beverages without rinsing your mouth afterward, which can counteract the effects of teeth whitening.

Discuss More Ways to Brighten Your Smile with an Indianapolis Dentist 

Teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to feel more confident with your smile. However, be sure to get advice from an experiencedIndianapolis dentist before the procedure. Reach out to Indiana Emergency Dental to schedule an appointment.